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How to setup URL redirects - Squarespace 7.1

What is a redirect?

A URL redirect points one URL to another page or site. The two main types are:

- 301 Redirect: Permanent move, telling search engines to update their index.

- 302 Redirect: Temporary move, meaning you can change it often, ideally used for short-term changes.

Example Usage

For instance, you can create memorable URLs for specific pages, like redirecting

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Steps to Create a Redirect in Squarespace

1. Go to the Settings menu.

2. Select Advanced.

3. Choose URL Mappings.

4. Enter the old URL slug (e.g., `/old`).

5. Use `->` to separate old and new URLs (e.g., `/old -> /new`).

6. Specify the redirect type (e.g., `301` or `302`).

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  • Specify either a 301 or 302 redirect.

  • Redirects can point to external links.

  • Squarespace will allow up to 3,000 redirects on your site

By following these steps, you can easily manage URL redirects in Squarespace to ensure your site remains organised and user-friendly.

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